
<dir> – documenting a directory in the <contents> tag

Documenting directories

The <dir> tag describes a directory in the package sources. A <dir> tag may contain other <dir> tags as well as <file> tags.

All files must be contained in a single top-level <dir> tag. For simple packages, simply use <dir name="/"> as the directory name.


Required attributes
Attribute name Description
name Name of the directory in the sources
Optional attributes
Attribute name Description
baseinstalldir Relative location where all files and subdirectories will be installed


An excerpt of the <contents> tag of a real package.xml:

  <dir name="/">
   <dir name="examples">
    <file name="authors.php" role="doc" />
   <dir name="HTML">
    <dir name="Template">
     <file name="PHPLIB.php" role="php" />
     <dir name="PHPLIB">
      <!-- more files -->

The baseinstalldir attribute is mostly used when the directory structure in the package source tree does not match the layout when installed (e.g. when the QuickForm/ directory needs to be installed as HTML/QuickForm/:

  <dir name="/" baseinstalldir="HTML">
   <dir name="QuickForm">
    <file name="Element.php" role="php" />
    <!-- would be installed as HTML/QuickForm/Element.php -->