AssetBundles (Pro only)
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AssetBundles (Pro only)

AssetBundles are files which you can export from Unity to contain assets of your choice. These files use a proprietary compressed format and can be loaded on demand in your application. This allows you to stream content like models, textures, audio clips and even entire scenes separately from the scene in which they will be used. They have been designed to make it easy to download content to your application.

AssetBundles can contain any kind of asset type recognized by Unity, as determined by the filename extension. If you want to include files with custom binary data, then you must rename those files to have ".bytes" as the extension. Unity will import these files as TextAssets.

For some sample code showing how to use asset bundles, see the AssetBundles Example Project

Creating AssetBundles

There are three class methods you can use to build AssetBundles: BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle, BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle and BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames..

Downloading AssetBundles

The recommended way to download AssetBundles is to use WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. Once the download is complete you can retrieve the AssetBundle with the assetBundle property. For example:

string url = "";
IEnumerator Start () {
    // Start a download of the given URL
    WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (url, 1);

    // Wait for download to complete
    yield return www;

    // Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

When you access the .assetBundle property the downloaded data is extracted and the AssetBundle object is created. At this point, you are ready to load the objects contained in the bundle. The second parameter passed to LoadFromCacheOrDownload specifies which version of the AssetBundle to download. LoadFromCacheOrDownload will download the AssetBundle if it doesn't exist in the cache or if it exists but is associated with a version that is lower than the one requested. Otherwise the AssetBundle will be loaded from cache.

Loading and unloading objects from an AssetBundle

Having created an AssetBundle object from the downloaded data, you can load the objects contained in it using three different methods: AssetBundle.Load, AssetBundle.LoadAsync and AssetBundle.LoadAll.

To unload assets you need to use AssetBundle.Unload. This method takes a boolean parameter which tells Unity whether to unload all data (including the loaded asset objects) or only the compressed data from the downloaded bundle. If your application is using some objects from the AssetBundle and you want to free some memory you can pass false to unload the compressed data from memory. If you want to completely unload everything from the AssetBundle you should pass true which will destroy the Assets loaded from the AssetBundle.

Listing objects in an AssetBundle

You can use AssetBundle.LoadAll to retrieve an array containing all objects from the AssetBundle. It is not possible to get a list of the identifiers directly. A common workaround is to keep a separate TextAsset with a known name to hold the names of the assets in the AssetBundle.

Instantiating objects from AssetBundles

Once you have loaded an object from your AssetBundle, you can instantiate it in your scene with the Instantiate function.

string url = "";
IEnumerator Start () {
    // Start a download of the given URL
    WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (url, 1);

    // Wait for download to complete
    yield return www;

    // Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

    // Load the TextAsset object
    GameObject go = bundle.Load("myGameObject", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

    // Instantiate the GameObject

Keeping track of downloaded AssetBundles

Unity doesn't provide an automatic way to retrieve a list of AssetBundles that have been downloaded. You can keep track of this information from a script by storing references to the AssetBundle objects and their URLs, say.

Storing and loading binary data in an AssetBundle

The first step is to save your binary data file with the ".bytes" extension. Unity will treat this file as a TextAsset. As a TextAsset the file can be included when you build your AssetBundle. Once you have downloaded the AssetBundle in your application and loaded the TextAsset object, you can use the .bytes property of the TextAsset to retrieve your binary data.

string url = "";
IEnumerator Start () {
    // Start a download of the given URL
    WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (url, 1);

    // Wait for download to complete
    yield return www;

    // Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

    // Load the TextAsset object
    TextAsset txt = bundle.Load("myBinaryAsText", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;

    // Retrieve the binary data as an array of bytes
    byte[] bytes = txt.bytes;

Including scripts in AssetBundles

AssetBundles can contain scripts as TextAssets but as such they will not be actual executable code. If you want to include code in your AssetBundles that can be executed in your application it needs to be pre-compiled into an assembly and loaded using the Mono Reflection class (Note: Reflection is not available on iOS). You can create your assemblies in any normal C# IDE (e.g. Monodevelop, Visual Studio) or any text editor using the mono/.net compilers.

string url = "";
IEnumerator Start () {
    // Start a download of the given URL
    WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (url, 1);

    // Wait for download to complete
    yield return www;

    // Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

    // Load the TextAsset object
    TextAsset txt = bundle.Load("myBinaryAsText", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;

    // Load the assembly and get a type (class) from it
    var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(txt.bytes);
    var type = assembly.GetType("MyClassDerivedFromMonoBehaviour");

    // Instantiate a GameObject and add a component with the loaded class
    GameObject go = new GameObject();

Managing asset dependencies

Any given asset in a bundle may depend on other assets. For example, a model may incorporate materials which in turn make use of textures and shaders. It is possible to include all an asset's dependencies along with it in its bundle. However, several assets from different bundles may all depend on a common set of other assets (eg, several different models of buildings may use the same brick texture). If a separate copy of a shared dependency is included in each bundle that has objects using it, then redundant instances of the assets will be created when the bundles are loaded. This will result in wasted memory.

To avoid such wastage, it is possible to separate shared dependencies out into a separate bundle and simply reference them from any bundles with assets that need them. First, the referencing feature needs to be enabled with a call to BuildPipeline.PushAssetDependencies. Then, the bundle containing the referenced dependencies needs to be built. Next, another call to PushAssetDependencies should be made before building the bundles that reference the assets from the first bundle. Additional levels of dependency can be introduced using further calls to PushAssetDependencies. The levels of reference are stored on a stack, so it is possible to go back a level using the corresponding BuildPipeline.PopAssetDependencies function. The push and pop calls need to be balanced including the initial push that happens before building.

At runtime, you need to load a bundle containing dependencies before any other bundle that references them. For example, you would need to load a bundle of shared textures before loading a separate bundle of materials that reference those textures.

Can I reuse my AssetBundles in another game?

AssetBundles allow you to share content between different games. The requirement is that any Assets which are referenced by GameObjects in your AssetBundle must either be included in the AssetBundle or exist in the application (loaded in the current scene). To make sure the referenced Assets are included in the AssetBundle when they are built you can pass the BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies option.

How are assets in AssetBundles identified?

When you build AssetBundles the assets are identified internally by their filename without the extension. For example a Texture located in your Project folder at "Assets/Textures/myTexture.jpg" is identified and loaded using "myTexture" if you use the default method. You can have more control over this by supplying your own array of ids (strings) for each object when Building your AssetBundle with BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames.

Loading objects from an AssetBundles asynchronously

You can use the AssetBundle.LoadAsync method to load objects Asynchronously and reduce the likelihood of having hiccups in your application.

using UnityEngine;

IEnumerator Start () {
	// Start a download of the given URL
	WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (url, 1);

	// Wait for download to complete
	yield return www;

	// Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
	AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

	// Load the object asynchronously
	AssetBundleRequest request = bundle.LoadAsync ("myObject", typeof(GameObject));

	// Wait for completion
	yield return request;

	// Get the reference to the loaded object
	GameObject obj = request.asset as GameObject;

Are AssetBundles cross-platform?

AssetBundles are compatible between some platforms. Use the following table as a guideline.

Platform compatibility for AssetBundles
iOS  Y 
Android   Y

How do I cache AssetBundles?

You can use WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload which automatically takes care of saving your AssetBundles to disk. Be aware that on the Webplayer you are limited to 50MB in total (shared between all webplayers). You can buy a separate caching license for your game if you require more space.

Protecting content

Unity allows you to create an AssetBundle object from a byte[] array with AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory. You can use this as a way to enhance the security by encrypting your assetbundles before transmission and decrypt them at runtime.

string url = "";
IEnumerator Start () {
    // Start a download of the given URL
    WWW www = new WWW (url);

    // Wait for download to complete
    yield return www;

    // Get the byte data
    byte[] encryptedData = www.bytes;

    // Load the TextAsset object
    byte[] decryptedData = YourDecryptionMethod(encryptedData);

    // Create an AssetBundle from the bytes array
    AssetBundle bundle = AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory(decryptedData);

    // You can now use your AssetBundle

Page last updated: 2011-06-21