EditorWindow.GetWindow Manual     Reference     Scripting  
Scripting > Editor Classes > EditorWindow

static function GetWindow (t : System.Type, utility : boolean = false, title : String = null, focus : boolean = true) : EditorWindow


t the type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.
utility set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title if GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.


Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.

If there is none, creates and shows new window and returns the instance of it.

Simple Empty non-dockable window.

// Simple script that creates a new non-dockable window

import UnityEditor;

class GetWindowEx extends EditorWindow {
@MenuItem("Example/Display simple Window")
static function Initialize() {
var window : GetWindowEx = EditorWindow.GetWindow(GetWindowEx, true, "My Empty Window");

static function GetWindow.<T> () : T

static function GetWindow.<T> (utility : boolean) : T

static function GetWindow.<T> (utility : boolean, title : String) : T

static function GetWindow.<T> (utility : boolean, title : String, focus : boolean) : T


T the type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.
utility set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title if GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.


Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.

If there is none, creates and shows new window and returns the instance of it.